Friday, January 16, 2009

White House says no to funny jokes

A reporter asked White House Deputy Press Secretary Scott Stanzel yesterday if there were going to be any ‘practical jokes’ played on the incoming Obama team by Bush staffers. Back in 2000, Clinton staffers removed all the W keys from keyboards and also hid photocopied porn pictures in the white paper stacks for the copy machines so that anybody making copies would occasionally be surprised by booby shots even weeks after Bush took office.

But Stanzel said no, there would certainly not be any petty tomfoolery this time. ‘All the keys will remain on the keyboard. I can assure you that,’ he said. But continued, ‘There just won’t be any wheels on the country. This White House concentrated on the big things, like f***ing up the world and leaving a sh*t sandwich for an economy. Good luck, incoming White House team! Yah! [putting his hand up to receive high fives that were not forthcoming from the humorless press corps]
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