It seems that I will have to do the heavy lifting when it comes to movie reviews around here. Three members of this blog went to see Benjamin Buttons (plural is done on purpose to tick off Barb Dwyer), yet no review. Instead we see cheap "one line with a picture" posts. So Buttons, they really should rename the movie, The Curious Case of Benjamin Mumbles. I don't think I have ever been to a movie, without subtitles, where I didn't understand half of what the actors were saying. Everyone was mumbling. Part of the movie was narrated by a 90 year old woman on her death bed with an enormous amount of morphine running through her system. Annunciation wasn't the character's motivation. I didn't really understand alot of what was being said, but I enjoyed the movie. It had a fantastical element to it. Everything was heightened. It reminded me of the TV show Pushing Daisies. If Pushing Daisies and the movie, Forrest Gump had a torrid affair in a run down, sleazy, backwater motel in southern Dixie, then The Curious Case of Benjamin Button would be their dirty love child. Buttons runs 2 hours and 47 minutes. They could have chopped out a good hour of film and it would have made the movie better. (It would have been particularly better for my ass, which went numb around the second hour mark.) Buttons is about a man who was born old and, as he ages, actually gets younger. Fascinating concept for a movie and I ate it up. Brad Pitt and Cat Blanchett were pretty good. Because of the heightened tone of the movie, the acting was over the top. It took a little getting used to, but once you did, it was fine. The movie is a solid 7 on the Ptero meter. Buttons is definitely worth the 3 hour commitment. Look out for the best gag in movies this year, the guy getting hit by lightning. I am also proud to say that in the 3 hour experience of this movie I manage to neither shoot nor be shot by another human being. Who says America is not the greatest country in the world!?!?
excellent, excellent movie
it was a little weird to see an old version of Brad Pitt's face pasted onto a kid's body, but i guess that's why they call it a "curious case"
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