Is it me or is anyone else convinced that when we ring in the New Year in 2025, good old Dick Clark will still be here to creep us out as we count down the year's final seconds? I mean, he'll probably be just a head with an arm hanging off, but I am convinced he will find a way to get on camera. Can someone please step in here and put us out of our misery? Hey Dick, it's over pal. You had a great run, an amazing run even, but it has ended, my friend. I think the stroke has convinced the man that the calender will not and can not change unless he is in front of a camera on New Year's Eve. Like time will halt and we will be stuck in that year forever. Dick, you're the only reason I still tune in to ABC to watch the ball drop. Not because it's rockin', sorry Seacrest, but to see your weird stroke-y talking! It's like the train wreck that is Britney Spears, I just can't stop watching and wondering if it's really happening. Enough man, turn the reins over to that cool cat hipster Ryan Seacrest for good, please. If for nothing else so I can stop tuning in and feeling old when they roll out one bad pop band after another that I have never heard of or probably will again.
T-Rex - you're a horses ass... All the other New Years eve shows blow. Dick Clarks has been on forever and it's a classic. Nostalgia - look it up... it's why we all, including your stupid ass turns on ABC to see Dick Clark. There has to be at least an ounce of you that feels sorry for him, but happy to see him up there... If not, just watch your boy Carson Daly... When Dick Clark is officially done with the New Years Eve show, it will never be the same again... it will basically blow because Carson and Secrest are idiots.
Secrest OUT
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