Best of 2008:
1) It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - Easily the funniest show on television. This FX show came out of no where. The show follows the exploits of a group of friends who run Paddy's Pub, an unsuccessful Irish bar in South Phillie. The show is going into season 4. The brilliant Danny DeVito joined the cast in season two and that has mad all the difference. The cast are downright awful people and that is what makes us love them. They are the new version of the Seinfeld characters. The reason we loved George, Kramer, Elaine and Jerry was that they were incredibly selfish and would screw over anyone else to improve their lot in life. The same with Deandra, Dennis, Charlie, etc. in Sunny. They are evil and incredibly selfish and I love it.
You can't beat an entire CSI-like episode trying to figure out who pooped in Frank and Charlie's shared bed.
2) House - Speaking of crappy attitudes, Dr. Greg House is the best nasty doctor there is. House is a definite Tivo every week. One can argue that the new cast this season hurt the show and it shouldn't be on this best of 2008 list. I agree that the new cast sucks, but you could put a bunch of flatulent mimes around House and the show would still be great. House is about House, period. The rest of the characters are there for House to take shots at.
3) Pushing Daisies - This is an all-time great show. Years from now people will look

4) 30 Rock - Alec Baldwin may be an enormous jerk in his personal life but he is brilliant in 30 Rock. He is the show. Tina Fey is also incredible. For some reason, The Office gets all the praise, but 30 Rock is miles funnier and better written. (How many more of those knowing looks into camera from Jim can we handle, before we strangle him!?!?!) 30 Rock deserves more viewers. So everyone get out there and watch this show.
5) Lost - Was Lost even on in 2008? I really don't remember. Whatever. I love Lost. I can't wait until it comes back later this month.
I will give you Pushing Daises, I dug it when I watched it but it had to go once the "peterman watches too much TV intervention" happened. Plus, Kristen Chenoweth gets it done. Getting canceled though. I will agree on 30 Rock as well, but I feel that its been a tad off this season. The Steve Martin episode was fantastic. Lost is genius and a given. I will reserve judgement on your Philadelphia show until I see it and frankly medical shows just don't cut it for me so House is out. Otherwise, good list Keeper.
Alec is brilliant in 30 Rock...
But don't forget Friday Night Lights, which inspired this Yankee to move to Texas...
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