This guy will be a US Senator. How? Well, he was appointed by the corrupt governor of Illinois to Barack Obama's empty Senate seat. But Harry Reid said he'd block the appointment, you say? No matter. Roland Burris decided he was just going to smile his way to Washington, and keep walking and smiling, until everybody started to think that Harry Reid was the douche bag for not seating this guy in the Senate. Everyone on earth knows Harry Reid is a complete idiot, a guy who got out-maneuvered by the smallest forehead (
and the biggest cahones) in America. Who would deny a seat to a 71 year old man who just wants to sit down? Shame on you, Harry Reid, for not letting this nice old man sit down with all your white buddies, even though there's an empty seat and it's raining outside.
Roland Burris may be old, but he's not nearly as nice as you may think. He's an ambitious, conniving old man. He could care less about serving the people of Illinois. He's just looking for another mark to put on his tombstone.
I say let him and his high-priced lawyers stand out in the rain until they turn in to ducks.
Isn't he dead already? Well, I thought only dead people have memorials, right? http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/tny/2009/01/memorials-for-myself-roland-bu.html
I checked out that New Yorker blog... I can't believe the guy actually has a momument for himself.... what an ass.
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