Now, Bank of America is basically insolvent and the economy may be going to holy hell because of all this, but that’s not the real story. Thain also distributed $4 billion in bonuses before the end of the quarter, despite the mammoth losses, but that’s not the real story either. There’s also the fact that he spent $1.2 million renovating his office, but even that’s not the whole story. The real story here is the fact that he spent $35k on a commode. That’s right. Thirty-five thousand dollars on a toilet. A crapper. A cold porcelain shit catcher.

The toilet is a place of privacy, of refuge. Some people read magazines or books to occupy their minds. Others just meditate, snatching a few precious moments of alone time. The only thing that would make it better for me would be some other form of entertainment it could provide during my, um, exertions. Not a TV. Maybe a time machine. Not the kind where you get trapped in the distant future trying to save a race of children from underground mutants –- just the kind where you can calmly view the events of humanity or of your own life, future or past, without interfering, all the while dropping a deuce into a little pot. That would be worth it. I’d fork out 35,000 smackers for that. To hell with the shareholders and the financial system and the flailing economy.
A commode in the antique trade is not a toilet.It is a chest of drawers or bureau.Just FYI
PS Is there is picture available of this particular piece?? I have looked for one and cannot find the specific item.Thanks.
A commode can be just a toilet. Probably not in this case (although we don't really know), but it wouldn't be as funny if it were a chest of drawers.
Why would there be a picture? This isn't a toilet picture archive or anything (although we're considering the idea).
Love the Lego picture... and agreed... much funnier as a toilet - shut up vermeer and have a sense of humor.
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