Couldnt they have come up with something a little more catchy than the TARP? "We aim to help the American people by making sure that you don't spill any paint on the floor."
We all know by now that TARP stands for Troubled Asset Relief Program. What you may not know are some other organizations out there instrumental to our success as a nation:
The Financial Assistance Relocation Team is a government agency focusing on lowering overall gas prices for commuters moving from one state to another.
The TransAtlantic International Team is a privately owned company ensuring the safe delivery of Swedish women to the United States.
The Department Of Underwriting Collateral Housing Engagements, a governmental agency focused on the removal of residential greenhouse gases through clean liquid energy.
Finally, the International Ministry of Genetic Assistance Yearly is a secret organization started by Tom Cruise, Liza Minnelli's/Star Jones' husbands, focused on the yearly maintenance of genetic secrets that everyone knows anyway.

Ha! Excellent use of acronyms! You realize a combination of texting language and acryonyms will be the global language of the future, don't you?
you forgot the Humanitarian Alliance for Humanistic Alliances...
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