Besides, nasty schisms have to be eliminated. (Incidentally, the schismatics were originally excommunicated because they were consecrated as bishops by a guy who thought the French Revolution was wack. Seriously.) If I had to guess at what a Pope likes to do best, I’d say it’s smoothing over a nice juicy schism. Here is what a Pope’s ideal daily To Do List probably looks like:
1) Get rid of a schism.
2) Offend a bunch of people -- millions if possible -- by saying something infallibly stupid.
3) Warn people against the great looming threat of Humanism, or any other movement which has already been widely accepted as a pillar of civilization for centuries.
4) Vespers.

What are they going to acknowledge next, you say? That objects in motion tend to stay in motion, etc, etc, or that the shortest distance between two points is a line of the straight-ish variety? (We haven’t heard the Pope admit to those things yet, but we have hope.)
So can we add something new to that To Do List?
5) Admit to something everybody already knows.
I can’t wait for the press conference in the year 2250 when the Pope of that time finally states that steroids are a problem in baseball and that homerun records should be viewed with suspicion. I imagine reporters looking at each other and asking, ‘What’s baseball? Is it anything like soccer?’
How do you think the phone call went between the Pope and the German chancellor? I bet it was awkward.
Maybe he could write another DaVinci Code sequel...
I haven't read the first one...that's how much I hate the Catholic church...
I don't pay attention to anything the Vatican says since they don't allow people of my gender into their club.
Who the hell put Anthony Hopkins in charge of my flock?
And why is he wearing that ridiculous costume? He looks like a wrinkly 6-year-old girl on Halloween trying to be a an angel.
Two side notes:
1. Newton's Laws no longer hold sway (see Einstein's theory of special relativity, which is also "wrong" since it was created in the absence of gravity)
2. There is no such thing as a straight line, since universe is curved.
Hay Zues
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