It's an especially artful billboard. Notice the way they didn't just write their message plainly and clearly, but placed it on the bulletin lightbox of a weird mountain revival church and then took a picture of the bulletin. We can only assume the shack doubles as a taxidermy depot or chewing tobacco store and has an all-Mountain Dew soda machine in the back that gets sold out by mid-morning. The whole tableau gives the impression that the billboardists just danced with some rattlesnakes to the tune of 'Shout to the Lord.'
‘Evolutionists come from monkeys,’ says the bulletin. Clever, to use a retort like that, something evolutionists wouldn’t disagree with at all. After all, evolutionists do come from monkeys. And so do US Senators and accountants and ice fisherman and slutty pseudo-celebrity hotel heiresses and short order cooks and pot-smoking Olympic swimming record breakers and Chinese villagers in the remote Yunnan province. The only exception is Rhea County Tenneseeans. They are descended from monkeys. They just have not evolved from monkeys. Not yet, anyway.
Other billboards the group is planning:
1. ‘The Special Theory of Relativity is biased against NASCAR fans.’
2. ‘Socialism is wrong. Stop taxing my welfare check.’
3. ‘Guns don’t kill people. People kill people. With guns. Especially Hatfields killing McCoys or McCluskeys killing Abernathys. Those effers deserve it.’
No wonder poverty, fecundity and stupidity in their grossest forms hold high carnival in such backwaters of ignorance, and deliberate ignorance, @ that!
And BTW: Did you hear what Bill "No-Spin Zone" O'Reilly was saying about Appalachia recently?
Goddammit it...I hate when fuckers do shit like that. Gives all Southerns a bad name.
@Exaggerator - Yes, I saw that and was kinda stunned that I kinda agreed with O'Reilly. Only for a little while. Then I stopped smoking crack.
@Phuck - I didn't mean to taint all Southerners with the ignorance of one county in TN. They're more like 'Mountain people' than Southerners. And even in that county, there were lots of people defending Darwin against the idiots. But it's funnier for my post if the whole county is stupid.
"Evolutionists come from Monkeys." Wait, I thought monkeys came from monkeys? Now the religious fundamentalists don't even know where baby monkeys come from?
@Angry Max - No you had it right in your post. Most people in the South are fucking stupid.
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