Here are the Seven Principles that they wanted placed in the park next to the Commandments:
I. The Principle of Psychokinesis
Move stuff with your mind. In other words, right off the bat, in our first opportunity to present ourselves to the public, we are telling you that drugs play a big part in the Principles.
II. The Principle of Correspondence
Write a letter to a jailbird or get a degree online. Convicts make surprisingly good friends over long distances, and DeVry has some great rates if you want to major in Hospitality Management. Neither of these have much to do with our religion. It’s just solid advice.
III. The Principle of Vibration
There are only obscene interpretations of this Principle, and this is a family blog.
IV. The Principle of Opposition
This principle means absolutely nothing. It was either this or just have Six Principles.
V. The Principle of Rhythm
Some people have this Principle, some people don’t. We’re looking in your direction, White People.
VI. The Principle of Cause and Effect
This is a true revolution -- in Principle form. Some stuff that happens causes other stuff that happens. For example, a guy takes LSD and then founds a religion with 7 principles.
VII. The Principle of Gender
According to Summum, this is Creation copulating with itself. That might be fine if Creation were a little younger and in slightly better shape, before the ozone layer started to sag, a few ice ages ago. As it is, I wish Creation would get a room or just stop grinning like a stupid teenager all the time and acting like it was less than 4 million years old.
Hey, everybody's complaining your comments don't work. What are you going to do about it?
This is an OpenID URL. I have no idea what that means.
This is how I would comment if I didn't know any better.
@President Obama - What are you doing reading our blog? Don't you have a foundering economy to fix? BTW, Bobofiles thinks you were probably born in Kenya. I know, that guy's crazy, right?
I have a liberal blog but i am open to people which disagree so i decided that i would make a blog roll of
websites that i disagree with but that website needs to do likewise. if anybody has a republican website and is willing to join this idea please email me fauxnewsnetwork@gmail.com or you can send me a email directly from my site www.fauxnewsnetwork.com
Norman Bender
I like Bill Maher's take on the Ten Commandments. But I think the principle of rhythm definitely needs to be added.
@Norman - We are not liberal. We are an unbiased news organization. Well, we're also a front operation for the Communist Party.
@Prefers - Yes, almost any code of religious law could be made better with a Rhythm Principle or two.
Too much for me to adhere to..
Two things (both movie-related and...oh, related to this post too, of course):
1. Corky Ra: reminds me of Woody Harrelson in The People vs. Larry Flynt for some reason.
2. I also was reminded of MindHead, the organization similar to the Church of Scientology in the movie "Bowfinger" with Steve Martin and Eddie Murphy, and Mindhead's leader, played by Terrence Stamp, telling Eddie Murphy named Kitt...to "keep it together" when he had a penchant for flashing the Lakers cheerleaders in the movie.
Also Stumbling this, because this is too funny, and for a moment before I clicked on the link, I thought you were making this up. Someone had to blog about it and I'm glad it was you.
@Dani - Kinda like fly paper, right? Adhere to too much of that and you're done for.
@Rambler - Thanks a lot. You're the first non-monkey to Stumble me. I wish all non-monkeys were like you.
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