I am so glad that Tom
Daschle took it in the neck! Tom
Daschle, the former U.S. Senate Majority Leader, was nominated for U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services by President Barack Obama. In the process of vetting and confirmation, some tax issues popped up, like... he didn't pay h

is taxes. So today,
Daschle withdrew his name from consideration. Nice! You might be asking why I am an
Anti-Daschlite, well let me tell you why: 1) Please just look up at his picture. Those are the single
douchiest glasses in the history of optometry. What exactly is he thinking?!?! Red glasses!?!? Unless he is a stand-in for Dame Edna in the road show, "Dame Edna: The Joke was Barely Funny When Milton Berle Did It," a grown man should not wear red glasses. Especially not in public, and most especially if you want to be in charge of health care reform. Also, those glasses make him look so uppity and smarmy. 2) Do you know what his tax issue was about? He "forgot" to pay taxes for the car and driver he
received from his buddy for the past few years. Let me ask, how many of you out there in
Ptero Bloggerland have a car and driver? Give me a minute... I am counting the hands...oh, yeah, NONE! 3) Tom
Daschle is a lobbyist (not a registered lobbyist but working for a lobbying firm). Your friend Obama said very clearly that there would be no lobbyists in his administration. Obama nominated him anyway. Bull. Also,
Daschle's wife -- huge lobbyist (yes, she is seven feet tall). I am glad that
Daschle has been dumped. Now bring in Dr. Howard Dean for HHS. He will bring a whole
barrel of crazy to D.C.! Final word: did I mention the movie Doubt and long fingernails? Well, it seems we get a lot of Google hits for "Doubt" and "long fingernails," so I am trying to whore a little traffic our direction. Thank you.
Red Glasses = Matthew Lesko & Sally Jesse Raphael. 'Nuff Said.
The red glasses made me think of dear old Sally Jessy, too.
hahaha I love these asshole politicians that just "forget" to pay their taxes. Out of control
I dropped the ball. Should have mentioned Sally Jessy. I am no Angry Max.
Why couldn't he drive himself? Was something wrong with his fucking foot?
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