Everyone who knows me knows I have a semi-addictive personality. Maybe a little more than semi. I get hooked on things for a while, abuse them like crack and then dump them like the nerdy girl you took to prom because her Dad had an Iroc Z-28 Camaro and he let me drive it. I have also been known to do this with the same activity more than once. I was really into Texas Hold'em for like a year. I would play online, with friends, in the nude, you name it. I get into comic books every six months. I played Call of Duty 4 on the Xbox 360 for a year straight at least 4 nights a week.
I now have 2 new obsessions:
1. The iPhone. You people dont know what you are missing. The iPhone is clearly the greatest thing ever invented ever in the history of ever inventing something ever and ever. I may put a blog entry getting in more detail about the iPhone at a later date.
2. IMob for the iPhone. This is a free application that lets you take the role of a mobster trying make it in the world of, well, mobbery. Fight people, take them out, buy property, execute missions. You also need to expand your imob to include other imobbers. Please, if you have yourself an iPhone, get this little gem. My friend code is 163 911 800. Invite me and we can both smoke the crackpipe of fake mobbishness together.

PS - My one obsession that will never go away will always be my love of big beautiful breasts. On women.
that game is like crack. it reminds me of a game I had on the calculator in high school, drug wars
I had the a phone. It was the first prototype. The only thing you could do with it was to dial Mr. T
Your next addition -- the iPhone with breasts.
an Iphone with breasts?! I just had a little movement in my nethers.
Have you played CoD:WaW? I'm hooked on the zombie mode. I can't fucking wait to play it later tonight.
I have it and have played it. Have yet to do the zombie mode but heard it is good. May be on later tonight. If you are on xbox, send me a FR, Green Colossus is my gamertag.
@Barb Dwyer - I sent you a friend request.
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