Under terms of the government’s bailout of the auto industry, General Motors and Chrysler were asked to submit their restructuring plans to administration officials for approval. Based on these plans, the Obama administration would determine if the companies are viable as ‘going concerns’ before offering additional government funds. GM’s CEO Rick Wagoner
submitted his company’s plans on Friday.
The following is a transcript we obtained of a conversation between Wagoner and President Obama:
Obama: So let’s take a look at this plan.
Wagoner: I like your haircut.
Obama: The plan. I need to see the plan.
Wagoner: Here’s the plan.
Obama: Dude, this is just a napkin. And it has a piece of chicken on it.
Wagoner: I’ll need the chicken back.
Obama: Stop humping my leg.
Haha, you and I are of a like mind today sir: http://writeinthekisser.com/2009/03/30/a-change-would-do-you-good/
I thought all CEO plans were done on napkins. Do you mean my trip to Costco was wasted?
@Hawaiian - Are you talking about the post or the fact that we both ate Taco Bell today and now our lower insides are paying the price?
@VE - Oh, you're right. All good plans are written on napkins. Like the time I plotted the demise of all my various enemies -- What I'm saying is that it was a great plan -- I just didn't have the resources to carry it out.
fair play to the man, nothing convinces me to give money away like a good, rough leg-humping.
Believable. I can see this conversation actually happening. Oh, god - what are we going to do? Who's going to save us now?
Hey, Pterodactyl for Prez - it's gotta a nice ring to it.
@James - If there were no such thing as leg-humpings, I would be a rich man.
@Me-Me - This conversation did happen. We don't lie, unless we can find some benefit for ourselves (and occasionally for no reason at all). It's nice to see you spelled Pterodactyl correctly.
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