Friday, January 23, 2009

Mercy is for Girls

A girls' basketball game in Dallas, TX had the most ridiculous numbers you will ever see in sports. Covenant School beat Dallas Academy by a score of 100 to nothing. That’s right, 100-0. What are they feeding the girls at Covenant? Or better yet, how much lead content is there in the water at Dallas Academy? Couldn’t they just throw the ball up and score at least one basket by accident, and make it a respectable 100-2?

Well, I looked up the web site of Dallas Academy and found that it’s a school for ‘learning differences.’ Okay, now I feel bad. Also, on the web site it says the following: ‘Education reclaimed. Confidence is restored.’ Wow, they have some unorthodox methods, methinks. Do they also make the girls try out at modeling agencies and get rejected? The assignment today, class, is to call Johnny Depp and ask him out on a date. If he says no, you are truly worthless pieces of shit. Next week, you will all apply to Harvard even though we're pretty sure none of you can read. Seriously though, the best I think these girls can do is maybe move to Alaska and become governor.

I also looked up Covenant School. Their charter says, ‘Teaching our girls to beat the snot out of your girls, to bathe in the blood of lesser opponents, and to make sure that girls with learning differences always get their asses handed to them.’
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Barb Dwyer said...

The article also failed to mention that 3 of the girls on the losing team wore helmets, one was nude, and the 5th starter was dressed in a Chewbacca costume.

Anonymous said...

If I was the coach, I would have pulled my team off the court when it was 50-0.

Karen and Gerard said...

This was very sad. I was shocked when my husband mentioned this to me. Shocked that (1) any team could be so bad as to not score at least one basket, (2) that any school's girl basketball team could score that many points in one game, and (3) that there was no mercy rule apparently. There certainly should be. That is just demoralizing to the losing team.

Anonymous said...

Lets get some facts straight regarding the Dallas Academy Girls' Basketball Team, 2008-2009 Squad.

These girls are not physically disabled or mentally retarded.

So what disability did the girls have? Your typical learning disabilities like dyslexia, and the occasional ADD/ADHD diagnosis. Being color blind would have been more of a disadvantage, so would not being able to count, or tell right from left.

Again, these girls are not retarded!! They are just painfully stupid. They didn't lose because their helmets, trifocals, or polio-leg-braces got in the way. They lost because they didn't study their playbooks, didn't study the rules of the game, and didn't bother to distinguish between uniforms when making a pass.

There is a silver lining in all of this, in that these morons now know they have no business on the basketball court. However, they're future in Airport Security is looking brighter by the minute.

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