Ok folks, that is it. I weigh 240 lbs. There, I said it. At a quick glance, I don't appear very fat. I am 6'4" (and a guy). 240 isn't that bad. But it is. I weighed 170 my senior year in high school.
Just FYI - this isn't me, in case you were wondering.

Why am I telling you all this? Well, I figure if I put it out there, it will force me to get in shape and lose some fatty-ness. I actually weighed 246 3 weeks ago, so I am on my way. My goal is to get to 220, a weight I haven't seen since college. Losing weight is difficult and god damned stressful. I am constantly thinking about food. Not necessarily craving a burger or pizza all the time, but more "Hey, when is my next meal and what healthy items can I ram down my cake hole". Don't get me wrong, I crave a Big D from Duchess (CT folks will know what I am talking about, all others can go here) Incidentally, 5 years ago I went on a quest to eat everything on the Duchess menu and did it in about 3 months. But that is another story.
Also, I am effing hungry 73% of the day, even right after meals. I am committing to going to the gym at least 3-4 times a week too. And I am sure most of you, exercise sucks. I need to get people to go with just to be motivated.

Just FYI - this is me, in case you were wondering.
I would love to get any suggestions you all would have. Healthy snacks, exercise routines. I will not do a bullshit diet where I rule out carbs, or drink wheat germ, or do the Zone crap, or stick coffee enemas in my turd locker, Miss Quivers. They are all bullshit. I am trying to eat better and exercise. Updates to come.